How to Care for a Premature Child

How to Care for a Premature Child

Premature Birth: A Challenge That Can Be Overcome

Newton and Einstein are famous around the world as two of the best scientists; but there is another special similarity between the two that most may be unaware of – both were born premature. Those who do not know are bound to be surprised, because we are all used to hearing stories of premature children being neglected. Yet here are the two of the world’s best scholars, born in a premature state. So let’s learn a little more about this.

Einstein's head was larger than normal at birth. There was no end to his parents’ concerns about this. On the other hand, doctors had doubts about whether Newton would even survive. Yet the two not only survived, they thrived, enlightening the whole world with the light of their knowledge and discoveries. What’s surprising about this is that although the physical and mental development of premature babies is still in question, with proper care and awareness they are able to grow normally like other babies.

World Premature Children's Day: Zero Separation Between Child and Parent

November 17 is the World Day of Premature Children, celebrated worldwide for all premature children and their parents. In the ongoing Corona situation, the slogan of this year's Premature Children's Day is "Zero separation between child and parent ". Newborns under 37 weeks are generally known as premature babies.

Currently, every year in the world, about 1 million newborns die after being born prematurely. One of the leading global causes of mortality in children under 5 years of age is death due to various physical complications caused by prematurity or premature birth. Various studies in India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan and America have shown that premature newborns are at risk for several reasons.

The risks are increased due to lack of proper treatment and necessary care, emotional distress of parents, high cost of treatment, inadequate medicines etc. Middle-class and lower-middle-class families in developed or developing countries of the world often deal with such situations. Considering these issues, this year special emphasis has been placed on the need for a strong bond between premature newborns and their parents.

This year’s main goals are twofold:

  • Physical and mental challenges of premature newborns and what parents should do to address them
  • What everyone in the family should do until the premature baby is ‘normal’.

The Importance of Family Support for Premature Children

Premature children have to struggle not only physically, but also mentally. Their families must also join the fight for life along with them. Even if they do not lack for love, sometimes their parents just don’t know what to do. Their family’s survival becomes difficult due to the mountainous challenges of home care, social restrictions, extra expenses, neglect etc.

Language barriers, and physical disabilities also make this life struggle very difficult for innocent children; but with everyone’s collective efforts, compassion, modern environmental systems, enlightened mentality, etc. premature newborns can return to a normal life, and even conquer the world. So this year, let us vow to eliminate the complications that premature children suffer by strengthening newborn-parental bonds.

Dr. Nusrat Farooq

Senior Consultant

Paediatrics & Neonatology

Neonatal Intensivist, Fellow Neonatology (Singapore)

Evercare Hospital Dhaka

Promote Lung Protection and Good Health

The lungs play a major role in managing respiration in all living organisms. The main function of the lungs is to take oxygen from the air into the bloodstream and remove carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the air. Therefore, it is very necessary to make a specific and structured plan to protect the lungs. In order to implement such a plan, World Lung Day is celebrated on 25th September every year around the world.

Currently, we are facing the Covid-19 pandemic caused by SARS-COV-2. Its main target is our lungs. So now we need to take even better care of our lungs.

On World Lung Day, let us come together and say out loud, “Care for your lungs and keep them healthy”. There are various themes for World Lung Day.

‘Say no to tobacco, create a smoke-free environment’

Smoking is the major cause of lung diseases. Around 80 lakh (8 million) people die worldwide every year due to smoking. As a result of COPD lung disease, the patient slowly becomes weaker. If infected with this disease, the patient’s respiratory system will eventually become impaired and death will slowly become imminent. Smokers are also victims of deadly cancer.

Many people can avoid this risk by quitting smoking; within 20 minutes of quitting smoking, the heart rate starts to normalize. The amount of carbon monoxide in the blood decreases within 12 hours. Within 2-12 weeks, the blood circulation and lung functions become more active.

Within 1-9 months the tendency of cough/ dyspnoea starts to decrease. Within 5-15 years the risk of stroke drops to that of a non-smoker. Within 10 years, lung cancer rates are reduced to half. And within 15 years, the risk of heart disease is reduced to that of non-smokers. In addition, ‘e-cigarettes’ should also be avoided.

Regular and timely vaccination

Different viruses such as influenza or bacteria are responsible for pneumococcal pneumonia. To stay safe from such viruses and ensure that our lungs are protected, it is necessary to get flurix/influenza vaccine once a year and a pneumococcal vaccine once every five years. Vaccines protect our lungs from bacterial and viral diseases, boost the body’s immune system and play a huge role in preventing diseases by creating memory cells.

Currently, our respiratory system is under serious threat due to the coronavirus. In addition to this, it causes serious complications like ARDS from pneumonia. Among such patients, 2% face death in the ICU. Therefore, the vaccine plays one of the main roles in keeping the lungs active and safe from frequent bacterial and viral diseases. So we all need to be aware of this.

Fresh air intake

Around 7 million people worldwide are exposed to air pollution every year. According to research by WHO, 9 out of 10 people are consuming polluted air. This polluted air can easily make people sick through the lungs. Additionally smoking, and smoke emitted from wood-burning stoves in rural areas are causing women to suffer from a deadly disease called COPD.

Apart from this, smoke emitted from factories, brick kilns, cars etc. is also one of the main causes of this disease. Disease levels are high in places where air pollution levels are high. So, it is necessary to know the level of air pollution around your home.

Regular exercise and lung exercises

One of the conditions for keeping the body active and healthy is to keep the main organs of the body (e.g. the lungs, heart and kidneys) active. We can maintain normal levels of oxygen in the body by exercising regularly, getting physical activity and by intake of fresh air. A small machine called a Mini Pulse Oximeter is now available for measuring SPO and heart rate, which is very affordable and useful.

If we want to, we can actively participate in the combined efforts to protect lung health worldwide. To live healthily we need to be more aware. The right amount of knowledge about health and its proper applications can ensure good health. It can also make life more peaceful.

May this be our mantra on World Health Day

Take in clean air and quit smoking

and get timely vaccinations

to protect your lungs and promote good health.


Professor Dr. Rowshne Jahan

MBBS (DMCH), DTCD (DU), MD (Chest)

Senior Consultant and Coordinator- Respiratory Medicine

Evercare Hospital Dhaka


Nephrotic syndrome: a common kidney disease in children

Nephrotic syndrome: a common kidney disease in children

One morning after your child suddenly wakes up, their eyes and face seem swollen. You think they might have overslept, but within a few days, it starts to continuously increase. You then think they might have an allergy, or a problem with their eyes. In the meantime, you also notice that they are urinating only 1-2 times day, and in very little quantity. Their legs and stomach also seem swollen.

Now you’re worried, and you rush to your child’s doctor. He quickly conducts some urine and bloods tests to reveal that your baby has a kidney disease called ‘Nephrotic Syndrome’. Your child’s treatment then begins – they are monitored, their daily urine levels checked, and fluid intake adjusted as per urine volume; and in the initial stage the mother is asked to admit their child to the hospital and kept informed about treatment.

The family is now in shock. Such a small child to be suffering from kidney disease! Will their kidneys fail and stop working? Are both kidneys affected? What food should they be given, what should they not be given, and various other questions were brought up by the parents.

So now we know why Nephrotic Syndrome happens, who is likely to get infected by it, what is the treatment, whether the kidney is damaged, what medicines are used and what are their side effects are.

Who suffers from nephrotic syndrome and why does it happen?

Let’s talk about Nephrotic Syndrome in our children. In most cases, it usually occurs in children from the age of 2 to 6/8 years. The rate of Nephrotic Syndrome is slightly higher in male children. No direct cause of the primary nephrotic syndrome is known, however, there are various theoretical explanations. For whatever reason, the kidney membrane cannot temporarily retain the body’s non-proteinaceous substances or albumin, and it is excreted in the urine, resulting in a lack of albumin in the blood vessels.

Albumin mainly helps to retain water in the human body. So, when it is deficient, water from the blood accumulates inside different parts of the body and water inflates the child’s eyes, mouth, stomach, and feet.

What kind of symptoms do the children show?

Swelling of various parts of the body such as the eyes, face, and feet; decreased urine output; abdominal pain, urinary tract infections and pneumonia may accompany this as the immune system is weak during this time.

How is this disease diagnosed?

Your child’s doctor will do more tests to check the amount of albumin in the urine and blood and to see if there are any other complications.

Treatment method:

Primary treatment starts with steroid drugs as well as the treatment of other complications or infections. Treatment is primarily long-term and will continue in two 6-week sessions for a total of 12 weeks.
Steroids or prednisolone are considered the lifelines of this disease. In most cases, the flow of protein in the urine stops within 14 days of consuming the drug. If the flow of protein does not stop within 30 days, it is called Acute Nephrotic Syndrome. In that case, other tests are needed, including a kidney biopsy, and other drugs are needed in addition to steroids.

Does nephrotic syndrome get better if treated at once?

Most (90%) cases of Nephrotic Syndrome get better with treatment, and the good news is that in most cases there is no damage to kidney functions. However, the downside is that the disease is likely to recur in 60-80% of cases.

Are there any side effects of the treatment?

Yes, there are. As the disease is treated with steroids, it has several side effects, such as swelling of the cheeks and abdomen which is not due to water, increased appetite, acidity, behavioural changes in the child and increased blood pressure in some cases.

How to take care of the child/What food to give the child:

•During this period, as the immune system is weakened due to both illness and medication, the child should be kept safe at home. Contact with patients who have illnesses, especially measles and chicken pox should be avoided, and these patients should be kept away from the child.
• A doctor must be consulted before taking the vaccine.
• In the case of food, eat more non-vegetarian foods, such as egg whites. Excess oily food including egg yolks should be avoided.
• Foods with excess salt and salt should not be eaten separately.
• When the child urinates less, the amount of water or liquid food should be reduced. When they urinate more, increase the amount again.
• You must learn how to do a Urine Albumin test at home, which can be determined by strip or burning it, and the child should be tested at least three days a week, even in healthy conditions, and especially when they are suffering from fever, cold or cough-related illness. If the albumin level is 2+ or more for three consecutive days, a doctor should be consulted.
• Since the fever, cold and cough of these children can sometimes reach a severe level, complications are reduced if proper treatment is taken without delay.
• It is also important for the children to take special vaccinations. These vaccinations should be taken in healthy conditions as per the doctor’s advice.

Expert Nephrology Consultants at Evercare Hospital

Evercare Hospital is one of the best private hospitals in the country that have advanced medical equipment and modern medical systems in their Nephrology department. They have expert Nephrology Consultant, junior doctors, nurses, and technicians who are highly experienced in-patient care and are treating hundreds of patients with kidney disease.

Your child’s good health is all we desire

Modernization in the treatment of cervical cancer

Modernization in the treatment of cervical cancer

Where Bangladesh is concerned, cervical cancer and its treatment are very important; cervical cancer ranks highest after breast cancer for Bangladeshi women. This cancer is a burden for Bangladesh due to a lack of screening, child marriages, sexually transmitted diseases and low socioeconomic status.

However, due to the unprecedented advancement of medical science in this country, Evercare Hospital has made great progress in the diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer. It is now possible for patients in our country to receive world-class medical care for almost all cancers, including cervical cancer.

Radiotherapy is a very important treatment method for cervical cancer. Surgery or radiotherapy have similar results, especially in cases of early-stage cervical cancer. However, if the cancer has progressed, chemotherapy can be added to radiotherapy to make the treatment even more effective, giving better results.

Recently, thanks to new methods such as ‘abdominal CT scan’ or ‘MRI scan’ which help to understand the stage of the cancer, it is possible to treat it more accurately with modern radiotherapy.

Role of Abdominal CT Scan in Radiotherapy Planning:

If cervical cancer has spread to lymph nodes around the uterus, it is considered a bad stage of the disease. In all these patients, if the lymph nodes are not properly treated, the chances of disease recurrence increase. Abdominal CT scan is more helpful in finding these types of lymph nodes than CT scan or MRI. In that case, before starting the treatment, CT scan of the abdomen can provide a clear idea about the stage of the cancer and the radiation oncologist can make the right decision regarding the treatment of the patient.

If there is a metastasis in a lymph node, from taking the area along with the nearby lymph node station to giving a higher dose boost to the diseased lymph node with the SIB technique – all are possible with modern radiation such as IMRT. through therapy.

Also, many times through abdominal CT scan it can be diagnosed if cervical cancer has spread to other distant parts of the body and in that case the treatment plan changes to a large extent.

Role of MRI in Radiotherapy Planning:

Cervical cancer staging and radiotherapy planning are based on clinical data. Local extension of the tumour, especially its size, whether the parametrium is involved, and whether it has invaded the pelvic side wall, are often difficult to determine by clinical examination alone.

In such cases, MRI is very important, as it gives a good idea of how far the tumour has spread and how much the disease has been reduced by treatment. After pelvic radiation, it is possible to obtain a clearer picture of residual tumours with MRI than with both CT scan and clinical examination under anaesthesia.

In addition, MRI-based brachytherapy allows higher doses of radiation to be delivered to tumours than in conventional brachytherapy, while also protecting radiosensitive organs such as the rectum and bladder.

Many patients are treated with a technique called intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). IMRT is a type of three-dimensional radiation that safely and painlessly delivers a precise radiation dose to a tumour, while greatly reducing the dose to the surrounding normal tissue.

This usually requires 4 to 6 weeks of treatment. It is hoped that the above-mentioned procedures, from abdominal CT scans and MRI to advanced radiotherapy such as 3D CRT, IMRT are now available in Bangladesh.

Dr. Arman Reza Chowdhury
Consultant, – Department of Radiation Oncology
Evercare Hospital, Dhaka.