হৃদরোগের কারণ ও চিকিৎসা

হৃদরোগের কারণ ও চিকিৎসা

হৃদযন্ত্রের নিজস্ব রক্তনালীতে চর্বি জমে রক্ত চলাচল বাধাগ্রস্ত হলে বিভিন্ন উপসর্গ দেখা দিতে পারে, যা হৃদরোগ হিসেবে পরিচিত। যেকেউই হৃদরোগের শিকার হতে পারেন। কিশোর বয়স থেকে সূত্রপাত হলেও সাধারণত মধ্যবয়স থেকে রোগ প্রকাশ পেয়ে থাকে। পুরুষদের হৃদরোগের প্রবণতা তুলনামূলক বেশি, তবে নারীরাও বয়স বৃদ্ধির সাথে সাথে হৃদরোগ বা হার্ট অ্যাটাকের বাড়তি ঝুঁকিতে থাকেন।

যারা ধূমপান করেন এবং ডায়াবেটিস, উচ্চ-রক্তচাপ, রক্তে উচ্চ-মাত্রায় কোলেস্টেরল জনিত সমস্যায় ভুগছেন তাদের হৃদরোগে আক্রান্তের ঝুঁকি বেশি। পরিবারে পূর্বে হৃৎপিণ্ডের রক্তনালীর সমস্যা বা ইসকেমিক ডিজিজ থাকলে পরিবারের অন্যান্যদের ঝুঁকি বৃদ্ধি পায়।

হৃদরোগের শুরুতে শুয়ে-বসে থাকলে কোন উপসর্গ দেখা না দিলেও শারীরিক পরিশ্রমের সাথে সাথে বুকের মাঝখানে ব্যাথা বা অসস্তি অনুভূত হতে পারে। অনেক ক্ষেত্রে বুক ভারী, বুকে চাপ, বাম হাত-ঘাড় বা চোয়ালে, বুকের পেছনে ইত্যাদি জায়গায় ব্যথা অনুভূত হতে পারে। পেটের উপরিভাগে ব্যথাও অনেক ক্ষেত্রে হার্ট অ্যাটাকের উপসর্গ হতে পারে।

হৃদরোগের চূড়ান্ত পর্যায়ে অতিরিক্ত ঘাম, শ্বাসকষ্ট, বমি বমি ভাব বা বমি হওয়া, মাথা ঝিমঝিম করা, জ্ঞান হারানো ইত্যাদি সমস্যাও দেখা দিতে পারে। সেক্ষেত্রে, বুকে ব্যথা অনুভূত হলে রোগীকে দ্রুতই নিকটস্থ হাসপাতালে নিতে হবে এবং দ্রুত ই.সি.জি ও রক্ত পরীক্ষা করে হার্ট অ্যাটাকের বিষয়টি নিশ্চিত হতে হবে।

হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুঁকি

হৃদরোগে আক্রান্তরা যেকোনো মূহুর্তেই হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুঁকিতে থাকেন। হৃৎপিণ্ডের রক্তনালীতে রক্ত চলাচল পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠা করাই হলো এর প্রধান চিকিৎসা। যত দ্রুত চিকিৎসা প্রদান করা যায়, রোগীর সুস্থ হয়ে ওঠার সম্ভাবনা তত বেশি। এনজিওগ্রাম-এর মাধ্যমে হার্টের ব্লক সনাক্ত করে দ্রুত তা অপসারণ করে রক্ত চলাচল পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠা করা হলো হার্ট অ্যাটাকের সর্বাধুনিক চিকিৎসা। তবে এজন্য প্রয়োজন আধুনিক সরঞ্জামসমৃদ্ধ ক্যাথল্যাব ও সার্বক্ষণিক দক্ষ জনশক্তি।

আবার বিকল্প হিসেবে ইঞ্জেকশনের মাধ্যমে রক্ত জমাট ভেঙ্গে দিয়ে রক্ত চলাচল স্বাভাবিক করা যেতে পারে। উভয় পদ্ধতিই হার্ট অ্যাটাকের স্বীকৃত চিকিৎসা। কোন পদ্ধতি কোন রোগীর ক্ষেত্রে অধিক কার্যকরী তা নির্ভর করে রোগীর অবস্থা ও চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শের উপর।

স্বাস্থ্যসম্মত জীবনযাপন করলে হৃদরোগ বা হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুঁকি অনেকাংশে প্রতিরোধ করা সম্ভব। ধূমপান ত্যাগ করা, ডায়াবেটিস ও উচ্চ রক্তচাপ নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখা, চর্বিজাতীয় খাবার পরিহার করা, নিয়মিত শরীরচর্চা করা, ফাস্টফুড ও জাঙ্কফুড পরিহার করা, যথাসম্ভব দুশ্চিন্তা ও মানসিক চাপমুক্ত থাকা ইত্যাদি অভ্যাসের মাধ্যমে এই রোগ প্রতিরোধ করা সম্ভব। আর ইতোমধ্যেই হার্ট অ্যাটাকে আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তিরা যদি নিয়মিত মেডিকেল চেকআপ ও চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ মেনে চলেন, তাহলে হৃদরোগ নিয়েও দীর্ঘসময় স্বাভাবিক জীবনযাপন করা সম্ভব।


ডা: মো: তারিক বিন আব্দুর রশিদ
সিনিয়র কনসালটেন্ট, ক্লিনিক্যাল ও ইন্টারভেনশনাল কার্ডিওলজি
এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম।

গর্ভবতী মায়ের যত্ন ও নিরাপদ মাতৃত্ব

গর্ভবতী মায়ের যত্ন ও নিরাপদ মাতৃত্ব

মা শুধু পৃথিবীর শ্রেষ্ঠতম ডাক বা অনুভূতিই নয়, মাতৃত্ব একজন নারীর সবচেয়ে বড় সার্থকতা। কিন্তু একজন নারী যখন প্রথমবার গর্ভধারণ করেন তখন অনেক কিছুই তার অজানা থাকে। তাই সন্তান ধারণ থেকে শুরু করে শিশু ভূমিষ্ঠ হওয়া পর্যন্ত একজন মা’কে অনেক বিষয়ে সতর্কতা ও সচেতনতা অবলম্বন করতে হয়। চলুন গর্ভবতী মায়ের যত্ন ও নিরাপদ মাতৃত্ব সম্পর্কে কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য জেনে নেওয়া যাক।

একজন গর্ভবতী মায়ের যথাযথ যত্ন নিশ্চিতে পরিবারের সদস্য ও কাছের মানুষরাই প্রধান ভূমিকা পালন করে থাকে। কিন্তু নিজেরও অসতর্ক হলে চলবে না। কারণ মায়ের সুস্থতার উপরে আগত সন্তানের সুস্থতা নির্ভরশীল।

গর্ভবতী মায়ের খাওয়া দাওয়া এবং মানসিক ও শারীরিক যত্নঃ

শিশু গর্ভে থাকাকালীন তার শরীরের অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ গঠিত হয়। তাই এসময় মায়ের খাদ্যের উপর বিশেষ যত্ন নিতে হবে। মায়ের খাওয়া খাদ্য প্লাসেন্টা’র মাধ্যমে শিশুর শরীরে প্রবেশ করে।

তাই মা যা খাচ্ছে সেটি মা-শিশু উভয়ের জন্যই পর্যাপ্ত পুষ্টির জোগান দিচ্ছে কিনা, সেদিকে লক্ষ্য রাখতে হবে। অন্যদিকে মা যদি অসুস্থ হয় বা যদি কোনো বিষয়ে মানসিকভাবে উদ্বিগ্ন থাকে, সেটিও উভয়ের জন্য সমান ক্ষতির কারণ হতে পারে। তাই গর্ভকালীন একজন মায়ের সমানভাবে শারীরিক ও মানসিক যত্ন নেওয়া অত্যন্ত প্রয়োজন। মানসিক চাপমুক্ত থাকা, ভারী কোন ওজন না নেওয়া, উঁচুনিচু স্থান এড়িয়ে চলা, ইত্যাদি বিষয়ে সচেতন থাকতে হবে।

পরিকল্পিত গর্ভধারণ মা ও শিশু উভয়ের জন্যই অত্যন্ত নিরাপদ। সন্তান ধারণের আগে মায়ের ডায়াবেটিস, থাইরয়েড, হৃদরোগ, উচ্চ রক্তচাপ ইত্যাদি শারীরিক পরীক্ষা করে নেওয়া প্রয়োজন। সেইসাথে চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ অনুযায়ী সন্তান ধারণের তিনমাস আগ থেকে নিয়মিত ফলিক অ্যাসিডসহ অন্যান্য ওষুধ সেবনের প্রয়োজনও হতে পারে। গর্ভবতী মায়েদের পোশাক নিয়েও সচেতন থাকা উচিৎ। পরিষ্কার-পরিচ্ছন্ন, আরামদায়ক, সহজে পরিধানযোগ্য ও ঢিলেঢালা পোশাক পরিধান এবং সঠিক মাপের নরম জুতা পরা এবং উঁচু বা হিল জুতা পরিহার করাই শ্রেয়।

একজন অন্তঃসত্ত্বা নারীর প্রায় প্রতি মাসেই চিকিৎসকের কাছে যাওয়া উচিৎ। বিশ্ব স্বাস্থ্য সংস্থার একটি তথ্য অনুযায়ী, একজন অন্তঃসত্ত্বা নারীকে অবশ্যই কমপক্ষে চারবার চিকিৎসকের শরণাপন্ন হওয়া উচিৎ। এই চারবার হচ্ছে যথাক্রমে ১৬, ২৮, ৩২ ও ৩৬তম সপ্তাহে। এছাড়া কারও শারীরিক জটিলতা দেখা দিলে তাৎক্ষণিকভাবে চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ নিতে হবে।

একজন প্রসুতি মায়ের জন্য গর্ভধারণকালীন প্রথম এবং শেষ তিনমাস অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। শিশু গর্ভে থাকার প্রথম তিন মাসেই তার অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গগুলো পূর্ণ রূপ ধারণ করে। গর্ভাবস্থায় বেশির ভাগ ক্ষেত্রে মায়েদের হিমোগ্লোবিনের ঘাটতি পড়ে যায়। কারণ এ সময় গর্ভস্থ শিশুর শরীরে লৌহের চাহিদা মেটানোর পর মায়েদের রক্তস্বল্পতা দেখা দেয়। এজন্য গর্ভবতী মাকে এসময় প্রয়োজনীয় ওষুধের পাশাপাশি সবুজ শাকসবজি, ফলমূল ও অন্যান্য পুষ্টিকর খাবার দিতে হবে।

গর্ভে থাকাকালীন শেষ তিন মাস শিশু খুব দ্রুত বেড়ে ওঠে। যে কারণে প্রসূতি মায়ের পায়ে পানি আসতে পারে। এছাড়া শেষ তিন মাসে পেট বড় হয়ে যাওয়ার কারণে গর্ভবতী মায়ের অনেক কষ্ট হয়। এই সময়ে কিছু জটিলতাও দেখা দিতে পারে, যেমন অস্বাভাবিক পেট বড় বা ছোট হওয়া, হঠাৎ রক্ত ভাঙা, খুব বেশি জ্বর আসা, রক্তচাপ অতিরিক্ত বেশি হওয়া। এমন পরিস্থিতিতে অনতিবিলম্বে চিকিৎসককে দেখাতে হবে।

বিশ্বমানের সুবিধাসম্পন্ন এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম-এ মা ও শিশুর জন্য রয়েছে মাদার অ্যান্ড চাইল্ড কেয়ার সেন্টার। বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার ও সর্বাধুনিক সুবিধায় সুসজ্জিত এই হসপিটাল মা ও শিশুর সুসাস্থ্য নিশ্চিতে একটি আস্থাময় স্থান। তাই গর্ভবতী মায়ের ডায়াবেটিস, উচ্চ রক্তচাপ, রক্ত পানি ভাঙলে, ব্যথা উঠলে, বাচ্চার নড়াচড়া কমে গেলে নির্দ্বিধায় যোগাযোগ করুন এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম-এর মাদার অ্যান্ড চাইল্ড কেয়ার সেন্টার-এ।


ডা: ফারজানা হাসীন (মুক্তি)
এমবিবিএস, ডিজিও, এফসিপিএস (গাইনি অ্যান্ড অবস্)
এমসিপিএস (গাইনি অ্যান্ড অবস্)
সিনিয়র কনসালটেন্ট- অবস্ অ্যান্ড গাইনি
এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম

ERCP: An Effective Procedure for Common Bile Duct Stones, Stenting in Cancer Patients, and Emergency Relief

How ERCP can help you with your bile duct problems

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a minimally invasive procedure that combines endoscopy and fluoroscopy to diagnose and treat disorders of the bile ducts, pancreatic ducts, and gallbladder. ERCP is a safe and effective procedure that can help diagnose and treat a variety of conditions related to the biliary and pancreatic systems.

One of the most common applications of ERCP is the removal of common bile duct stones. These stones are formed from bile components and can cause jaundice, pain, and inflammation of the pancreas. ERCP is used to remove these stones and can be performed as an outpatient procedure.

ERCP Procedure: How It Works

During the procedure, an endoscope is inserted through the mouth and into the duodenum, where it can access the opening of the bile duct. A catheter is then inserted into the duct and contrast dye is injected to visualize any stones or blockages. If stones are detected, a small basket or balloon is used to remove them.

ERCP can also be used to place plastic or metallic stents in patients with cancer of the gallbladder or pancreas. These stents can help relieve blockages caused by the tumor and can improve the patient’s quality of life. The stent can be inserted through the bile duct during the ERCP procedure, and can remain in place for several months.

In emergency situations, ERCP can also be used to place stents for relief of pain, fever, and jaundice caused by cholangitis. Cholangitis is a serious condition that occurs when the bile ducts become infected and inflamed. The placement of a stent can help relieve the pressure and improve the patient’s symptoms.

In conclusion, ERCP is a safe and effective procedure that can help diagnose and treat a variety of conditions related to the biliary and pancreatic systems. From the removal of common bile duct stones to the placement of stents for cancer patients and emergency situations, ERCP is a versatile procedure that can significantly improve patient outcomes.


Dr. Sandeep Dhavan 
MBBS,MD (Medicine), DM (Gastroenterology) (PGIMER-Chandigarh, India)
Senior Consultant at Evercare Hospital Chattogram
Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Colonoscopy: A Valuable Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedure

Colonoscopy is a medical procedure used to diagnose and treat conditions of the large intestine. A long, flexible tube with a camera and light, called a colonoscope, is inserted into the rectum and through the colon to examine the lining of the intestine. It is a valuable tool used by gastroenterologists to diagnose and treat a range of conditions.

Diagnostic Colonoscopy:

Colonoscopy is primarily used as a diagnostic tool to investigate symptoms related to the large intestine. These symptoms include abdominal pain, chronic blood loss, chronic diarrhea, and per rectal bleeding. It is also used for surveillance colonoscopy in patients with a history of polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, or cancer. During the procedure, the doctor can take tissue samples for biopsy, remove polyps, and look for any abnormalities that may be present.

Therapeutic Colonoscopy:

In addition to diagnostic use, colonoscopy is also used therapeutically to treat various conditions of the large intestine. Some of the procedures performed using colonoscopy include:


Polyps are small growths on the inner lining of the intestine that can become cancerous over time. Colonoscopy can be used to remove these polyps to reduce the risk of cancer.

Colonic dilatation:

Colonic dilatation is used to treat strictures, or narrowings, in the colon that can cause obstruction. The doctor can use a balloon to gently stretch the narrowed area and restore normal function.

Hemostasis of ulcer bleed:

Ulcers can cause bleeding in the colon, and colonoscopy can be used to stop the bleeding by applying various techniques like injection, clips or thermal treatment.

In conclusion, colonoscopy is a valuable diagnostic and therapeutic procedure used to examine and treat conditions of the large intestine. It is a safe and effective way to diagnose and treat a range of conditions, including polyps, strictures, and ulcer bleeding. If you are experiencing any symptoms related to the large intestine, speak to your doctor to see if colonoscopy may be the right choice for you. It is important to follow up with your gastroenterologist regularly to ensure optimal care and management of your intestinal health.


Dr. Sandeep Dhavan
MBBS,MD (Medicine), DM (Gastroenterology) (PGIMER-Chandigarh, India)
Senior Consultant at Evercare Hospital Chattogram
Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Endoscopy: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool

Endoscopy is a medical procedure that involves the insertion of a long, flexible tube with a camera and light at the end, called an endoscope, into the body to view the internal organs. It is a valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tool used by gastroenterologists to examine and treat conditions of the digestive system.

Diagnostic Endoscopy:

Gastrointestinal symptoms are common, and endoscopy is often used to diagnose conditions like acidity, indigestion, abdominal pain, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing, bleeding from the mouth, and foreign body ingestion. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of conditions, and endoscopy helps identify the underlying problem. During the procedure, the doctor can take tissue samples for biopsy, remove polyps, and look for any abnormalities that may be present.

Therapeutic Endoscopy:

In addition to diagnostic use, endoscopy is also used therapeutically to treat various conditions of the digestive system. Some of the procedures performed using endoscopy include:

Ulcer bleeding treatment by clipping/injection/diathermy: Endoscopic techniques can be used to stop bleeding from ulcers by clipping, injecting medication, or using diathermy to seal the ulcer.

Endoscopic variceal band ligation:

This procedure is used to treat bleeding varices, which are enlarged veins in the esophagus or stomach.

Foreign body removal:

Endoscopy can be used to remove foreign objects, such as coins or bones, that have been swallowed.

Esophageal stent placement for cancer of the food pipe:

Stents can be placed in the esophagus to help keep it open and allow food to pass through in cases of cancer-related narrowing.

Duodenal stent placement for cancer/stricture of duodenum:

Stents can also be placed in the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, to treat narrowing caused by cancer or strictures.

Esophageal/stomach dilation for cases of post-corrosive ingestion/stricture:

Ingesting corrosive substances can cause damage to the esophagus or stomach, leading to strictures. Endoscopic dilation can help relieve the narrowing and improve swallowing.

Placement of Ryles tube for feeding purposes:

Endoscopy can be used to place a Ryles tube, which is a thin, flexible tube that passes through the nose or mouth and into the stomach. It is used for feeding purposes in cases where the patient cannot eat normally.

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) for long-term feeding:

In cases where a patient needs long-term feeding, a PEG tube can be inserted through the abdominal wall and into the stomach using endoscopy.

Polypectomy (endoloop):

Endoscopic techniques can be used to remove polyps, which are growths on the inner lining of the intestine. The endoloop is a device used to remove larger polyps by looping a wire around them and cutting them off.

In conclusion, endoscopy is a versatile tool that can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is a safe and effective way to examine and treat conditions of the digestive system. If you are experiencing any gastrointestinal symptoms, speak to your doctor to see if endoscopy may be the right choice for you.

Dr. Sandeep Dhavan
MBBS,MD (Medicine), DM (Gastroenterology) (PGIMER-Chandigarh, India)
Senior Consultant at Evercare Hospital Chattogram
Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Kidney Disease: Importance, Function, and Health

How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

World Kidney Day is an annual global awareness campaign that aims to raise awareness about the importance of kidney health and the potential impact of kidney diseases. In honor of this day, it is important to understand more about the kidneys, their function, and ways to keep them healthy.

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located in the back of the abdominal cavity. They play a crucial role in filtering waste products and excess fluids from the blood, which are then excreted from the body as urine. Additionally, the kidneys help regulate blood pressure, produce hormones, and maintain electrolyte balance.

How to Prevent Kidney Disease

Unfortunately, kidney disease is a significant health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Some of the most common causes of kidney disease include diabetes, high blood pressure, and family history of kidney disease. Symptoms of kidney disease may include fatigue, swelling in the legs and ankles, frequent urination, and foamy urine.

Early detection and treatment of kidney disease can help slow or even stop the progression of the disease. Treatment options may include medication, lifestyle changes, and in some cases, dialysis or kidney transplant.

Preventative measures can also be taken to keep the kidneys healthy. These measures may include maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

In conclusion, World Kidney Day is an important reminder of the essential role that the kidneys play in maintaining overall health and wellbeing. By understanding the function of the kidneys, the risk factors for kidney disease, and the ways to keep the kidneys healthy, we can work towards reducing the burden of kidney disease and promoting better kidney health.

Dr. Mohammad Faizur Rahman
MBBS, MCPS, MD (Nephrology)
Senior Consultant- Nephrology
Evercare Hospital Chattogram

Awareness is the key to Prevent Suicide

Awareness is the key to Prevent Suicide

Awareness is the key to Prevent Suicide

Suicide…the last act of a depressed, dejected and despondent being, which they choose as a last resort to solve their life’s problems. But is suicide really a solution? Although the body can be freed from worldly pain through suicide, can the soul?

According to statistics from the WHO, there is an average of 1 suicide every 40 seconds all over the world. This means while you’re taking a sip of your cup of tea, , somewhere in the world someone is voluntarily taking a vacation from life. Even Bangladeshi statistics for suicide are quite alarming. According to sources, a total of 14,436 people died due to suicide in Bangladesh last year alone, which is 70% more than the total number of deaths due to corona in the first year of the country’s corona epidemic. But as much as we have been able to stay aware and take precautions for the corona epidemic and other physical problems, have we been equally aware and prepared to resist this silent killer called suicide?

The first important step in preventing suicide is to find out the reasons why a person chooses this path. Suicide is usually the ultimate manifestation of some mental disorder, one of which is depression. Sufferers of depression, often failing to achieve any dreams or goals, feel that their lives are meaningless at some point; as a result, they seek salvation through suicide. People may also choose this extreme approach due to stress, relationship problems, fear of loss of respect, family problems, physical pain, drug addiction and psychological abuse. According to WHO statistics, suicide rates are higher among people under the age of 30. Men are more vulnerable than women. On the other hand, apart from these regular reasons, the financial crisis caused due to the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, tension in relationships and depression caused by loneliness, the tendency of people to commit suicide has increased significantly.

There are several signs shown by a person at risk of suicide, which can largely help in predicting their decision. This is because suicidal tendencies don’t develop overnight. On the contrary, after a long period of time, the person loses his will to live when depression and shame accumulate in their mind. During this time, various negative thoughts are seen in the speech and activities of the person. Self-hatred, guilt, feeling like a burden to others etc. emerge in their conversations. Such people tend to be restless, get easily irritated by everything and distance themselves from friends and family. They even start searching online for various suicide execution plans.

A suicidal person’s thoughts usually go round and round in circles, and at some point, they unknowingly push themselves towards suicide. Therefore, a person at risk of suicide can mostly be helped by family members and close friends. In many cases, a suicidal person has communicated his or her thoughts directly or indirectly to those close to them through social media. Therefore, it is important to discuss with loved ones as soon as any such symptoms are seen. They need to be convinced that suicide is not a solution to the problem and that it is possible to find alternative ways to solve it. In addition, any deadly and dangerous material should be kept out of the reach of these vulnerable people. Above all, the person at risk should be referred to psychiatrists and psychologists as soon as possible. This is because proper care and counselling can help turn a suicidal person away from this path.

Loving yourself and those you love, and a little attention and care from your loved ones can prevent this silent killer called suicide. Negative thoughts like suicide can be eradicated only by making life meaningful and enjoyable through social values, mutual harmony and understanding. This requires education, discussion and above all, awareness. So let us be aware and help others to be aware. Let awareness be the key to prevent suicide.

Heart disease: the new concern for young people

Heart Disease - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention | Evercare Hospital Chattogram

In today’s world, heart disease, cardiac arrest or heart attack is considered to be one of the leading causes of death. At one time, it was thought that only the elderly were at risk of heart attacks. That notion is now deemed irrelevant due to the current situation, where young and middle-aged people are now suffering from heart attacks.

Around 20 million people worldwide die from cardiovascular disease each year, accounting for about 32% of global deaths. 60% of these deaths are due to heart attacks; coronary heart disease accounts for three-quarters of deaths in low- and middle-income countries in South Asia. In developing countries like Bangladesh, the risk of death due to heart disease is about 14.31%. In the last 10 years, the death rate due to heart attacks has increased 35 times for men and 48 times for women in Bangladesh. What is most alarming, however, is that incidents of heart attacks are gradually increasing among the younger generation.

Although common, many people may not know what a heart attack is or why it happens. For their convenience, I would like to convey the information that Myocardial Infarction, heart attack or whatever you may call it, is a medical complication when blood flow to the heart suddenly stops due to an obstruction. Plaque, also known as a block, is usually formed by the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in blood vessels. It is one of the main causes of a heart attack. Simply put, a blocked artery blocks the flow of oxygenated blood to a part of the heart, which results in a heart attack. If the blocked artery cannot be reopened quickly, the part of the heart that was supplied blood by that artery stops working, leading to death.

Symptoms usually appear days or weeks before a heart attack. If a doctor is consulted, the risk of death decreases with proper treatment; but in case of a sudden heart attack, the risk of death is quite high. A sudden heart attack is undoubtedly a large shock for the body and there is no specific age at which it occurs. Rather, the risk increases when there are inconsistencies in your lifestyle, consumption of unhealthy food, genetic problems, stress etc. But to think that it is asymptomatic because it occurs suddenly is the wrong assumption to make. Some of the symptoms of a sudden heart attack are constant pain or pressure in the chest, which lasts for a few minutes and can happen intermittently; you may feel pain while working, and then feel better while taking a rest. Besides this, nausea, indigestion, excessive sweating, fatigue etc. are some common symptoms of a sudden heart attack; but it is not the same case for everyone. On the other hand, another possible cause of death due to heart attack is post-Covid heart problems. Many who have recovered from Covid-19 have experienced blood clotting problems, which increases the risk of heart attacks.

It is true that the risk of heart attack increases as you get older. It also goes without saying that the risk skyrockets if there are problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Except nowadays, incidents of heart attacks are increasing at a significant rate even at a young age. The last 10 years of Global statistics show that heart attack rates among young and middle-aged adults have increased by 2% per year. According to doctors, inconsistent changes in modern lifestyles and physical inactivity are the two major reasons for increased problems in the heart and blood vessels. Incidents of heart attacks among young people are increasing day by day due to excessive smoking, lack of physical activity, not enough sleep, weight gain, excessive anxiety, eating unhealthy food, especially fat and cholesterol-rich food, diabetes, unhealthy lifestyle, hereditary causes etc. – but what is the best way to cure it?

The answer is very simple. Young or old, a heart attack can be life-threatening for anyone. Even if it doesn’t result in death, it can cause serious damage to your health. So, you need to get used to a lifestyle that does not increase the risk of heart problems. Eat food that does not clog blood vessels. Do things that keep your body active. The steps you can take to maintain this are to keep heart-friendly healthy food in your diet, exercise daily, avoid drugs and tobacco products, keep yourself cheerful, and if there is a history of a heart attack in your family, get screened from a young age. Even if not immediately, the risk of heart attack will decrease gradually.

Every living being must taste death; but a premature death is something no one desires. Heart attacks have become one of the leading causes of premature deaths among young people in recent times. So, everyone must be aware, and become interested in living a healthy life to prevent deaths due to heart attacks.

Identifying Breast Cancer and Keeping it At Bay

Breast Cancer

When cells in one’s breasts begin to grow abnormally and uncontrollably, the disease is called breast cancer, a leading cause of cancer in women all over the world. Approximately 1 in every 8 women worldwide is expected to develop breast cancer during her lifetime. Only 1% of breast cancer patients are biologically male.

Although exact countrywide statistics are not presently available to us, it is clear from hospital data that the number of breast cancer patients in Bangladesh is increasing on a yearly basis. There are numerous reasons for the increased number of breast cancer incidences in Bangladesh. Thanks to wider availability of common diagnostic facilities, we are seeing a higher number of breast cancer diagnoses.

Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

There are some risk factors which may be managed in order to avoid breast cancer. Men and women who heavily drink alcohol are both at greater risk of developing breast cancer. Women who are physically inactive are more likely to develop breast cancer, as are overweight and obese women, particularly after menopause. Also after menopause, if a woman has been taking hormone replacement therapy for a long period of time, the risk of breast cancer is higher.

A woman’s reproductive history might also pose a significant risk factor for breast cancer. If she has been taking certain contraceptive pills for a long time, bore a child after 30 years of age, is intentionally childless, or did not breastfeed any children she bore, she is at greater risk of breast cancer.

Besides these, there are some risk factors which, unfortunately, cannot be changed. Being a woman, especially one older than 50 years, is the biggest risk factor for breast cancer development (and in fact, most cases of breast cancer are found in women over the age of 50). Genetic mutations, inherited changes to certain genes such as BRCA 1 and BRCA, make breast cancer more likely for women at an earlier age when they are premenopausal.

Another risk factor we can not change is early age of starting menstrual cycle (i.e. before 9 years of age) and late menopause (i.e. menstruation till 55 years).

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

It’s important for any woman, and even men, to know the signs which might indicate the presence of breast cancer. Note that while different people have different symptoms, some may not have any symptoms at all.

Look for signs that your breasts might be afflicted by cancer. If one finds a new lump in the breast or armpit (axilla), experiences itching or swelling of part of the breast, notices irritation or dimpling of breast skin, experiences pain or notices redness or flaking of the nipple, observes that the size/shape of the breast has changed, or secretes any nipple discharge other than milk (such as blood), one might have breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Screening

During a breast cancer screening, a woman’s breasts are checked for cancer before there are signs or symptoms of the disease. During a screening, breast cancer is detected at an early stage to ensure that the cure rate can be high with the help of appropriate preventive treatments. As breast cancer incidence among Bangladeshi women is highest between the ages of 45 to 74 years, it is a good practice to do a screening mammogram test every 2 years.

How Breast Cancer is Diagnosed

The diagnosis of breast cancer can be undertaken in multiple ways. The following tests can help to detect breast cancer: breast ultrasonography, diagnostic mammogram, breast MRI (when and if needed), biopsy (core needle biopsy/open biopsy for histopathological diagnosis, and FNAC.

FNAC is used for cytological diagnosis and carried out if the lump size is very small, usually less than 1cm, making it impossible to use a biopsy needle. FNACs tests can give false negative results, in up to 15% of cases. Another disadvantage is that immunohistochemistry tests are usually not done from FNAC specimens.

Another way of diagnosing breast cancer is through immunohistochemistry (IHC). Carrying out IHC tests helps us to find out the type of cancer, oncologists can decide on the treatment options and the future of the patient can be predicted. IHC tests measure ER (Estrogen Receptor) status, PR (Progesterone Receptor) status, HER2 (Human Epidermal Receptor 2) status, Ki67 status, P53 status.

Treatment of Breast Cancer

After breast cancer has been detected, it can be treated in several ways. It depends on the type of breast cancer and on how far it has spread. People with breast cancer often get more than one kind of treatment. Treatment options for breast cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

How to Lower the Risk of Breast Cancer

Predicting the onset of breast cancer might be difficult. However, there are certain steps one can take in order to lower their risk of developing breast cancer. By maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, abstaining from consuming alcohol or limiting alcohol intake, avoiding certain oral contraceptive pills, foregoing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and breastfeeding one’s child, one might hope to keep breast cancer at bay.