এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম ও পিএইচপি ফ্যামিলি’র চুক্তি স্বাক্ষর

বন্দরনগরীর সর্ববৃহৎ হাসপাতাল এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম সম্প্রতি পিএইচপি ফ্যামিলি’র সাথে একটি চুক্তি স্বাক্ষর করেছে। এই চুক্তির আওতায়, পিএইচপি ফ্যামিলি’র কর্মকর্তা-কর্মচারীদের বিশেষ ছাড়ে স্বাস্থ্যসেবাসহ অন্যান্য সুবিধা প্রদান করবে এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম।

চুক্তি স্বাক্ষর অনুষ্ঠানে এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম-এর পক্ষ থেকে উপস্থিত ছিলেন সিওও সামির সিং; হেড অব বিজনেস ডেভেলপমেন্ট ভিনোদ সিং; হেড অব কর্পোরেট মার্কেটিং ফারাহ সুলতানা শহীদ; কর্পোরেট রিলেশন ম্যানেজার রাম প্রসাদ সুশীল; কর্পোরেট রিলেশন এক্সিকিউটিভ রিয়াজ রহমান। পিএইচপি ফ্যামিলি’র পক্ষ থেকে ছিলেন প্রতিষ্ঠানের চেয়ারম্যান সুফি মোহাম্মদ মিজানুর রহমান; ডিরেক্টর মোহাম্মদ আলী হোসেন; ডিজিএম অব বিজনেস কমিউনিকেশন ইন্তেখাব আলম মান্না প্রমুখ।

অনুষ্ঠানে এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম-এর সিওও সামির সিং বলেন, “পিএইচপি ফ্যামিলি’র সাথে এই চুক্তি করতে পেরে আমরা আনন্দিত। আশা করি, প্রতিষ্ঠানের কর্মী ও তাদের পরিবারবর্গ এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রামে স্বাস্থ্যসেবা নিতে আসবেন এবং আমরা তাদের সেরা অভিজ্ঞতা প্রদানের চেষ্টা করবো।”

এভারকেয়ার চট্টগ্রামে প্রথমবার কার্ডিয়াক বাইপাস সার্জারি সম্পন্ন

এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রামে প্রথমবারের মতো জুয়েল সেন (৪২) নামে এক ব্যবসায়ীর কার্ডিয়াক বাইপাস সার্জারি সম্পন্ন করা হয়েছে।

গত ২৫ অক্টোবর ডা. আসিফ তার টিম মেম্বারদের নিয়ে কার্ডিয়াক বাইপাস সার্জারি সম্পন্ন করেন।

জুয়েল সেন খাগড়াছড়ির একজন ব্যবসায়ী। তিনি বিগত কয়েক বছর যাবৎ হার্টের সমস্যায় ভুগছিলেন। বেশ কয়েকবার চিকিৎসক পরিবর্তনের পর কোনো সুফল না পেয়ে এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রামের কার্ডিওভাস্কুলার ও থোরাসিক সার্জারি বিভাগের সিনিয়র কনসালটেন্ট ডা. আসিফ আহমেদ বিন মঈনের শরণাপন্ন হন।

ডা. আসিফ বলেন, জুয়েল সেনের পরীক্ষা নিরীক্ষা করে সার্জারির সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হই। আমার টিম মেম্বারদের নিয়ে গত ২৫ অক্টোবর কার্ডিয়াক বাইপাস সার্জারি সম্পন্ন করি।

‘বর্তমানে রোগী জুয়েল সেন সুস্থ আছেন এবং হসপিটাল থেকে ছাড়া পেয়েছেন। তিনি ডাক্তার এবং হসপিটালের শুভকামনা করেন এবং বলেন, এই ধরণের একটি হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রামবাসীর জন্য আশীর্বাদ বয়ে আনবে। নগরবাসি অনেক উপকৃত হবেন।’

Evercare Chattogram introduces free transportation services for patients and attendants

Evercare Hospital Chattogram (EHC) has begun special transportation services for the convenience of all patients and attendants of the hospital.

The service will cover an area spanning ​​about 10 km, beginning from the city’s GEC Circle and ending at the hospital. The transport facility has been kept free of cost for patients and will operate at an interval of every two hours daily from Saturday to Thursday, said a press release.

The free transportation service was inaugurated at the Evercare Hospital Chattogram on Thursday by Chittagong City Corporation Mayor Md Rezaul Karim Chowdhury.

Evercare Hospital hosts online panel discussion on World Hepatitis Day 2021

Evercare Hospital Dhaka & Chattogram jointly arranged an online panel discussion on World Hepatitis Day 2021. In line with this year’s theme of “Hepatitis can’t wait”, Evercare organized the virtual event to spread awareness among people about Hepatitis.

Mayor Md Atiqul Islam, Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC), was present at the event as the chief guest as well as Mayor Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Chattogram City Corporation, as the honorable guest of honor.

Brig Gen Md. Zobaidur Rahman, Chief Health Officer, DNCC ; Dr. Muhammad Lutful Latif Chowdhury, Sr. Consultant & Coordinator Gastroenterology-Evercare Hospital Dhaka; Dr. S M Ali Haider, Consultant Gastroenterology, Evercare Hospital Chattogram on behalf of Evercare. Also present at the ceremony were Prof. Dr. Faruque Ahmed, Director, Sheikh Russel Gastroliver Institute & Hospital, Dhaka; Professor Dr. Ershad Uddin Ahmed, HOD Gastroenterology, Chittagong Medical College, Chattogram participated in the panel discussion as well.

Talat Mamun, Executive Director – Channel 24; Pranab Saha, Editor – DBC News; and Shakil Ahmed, Head of News – Ekattor TV, also contributed to the discussion as representatives of mainstream media. The virtual event was moderated by Dr. Arif Mahmud, Deputy Director-Medical Services, Evercare Hospital, Dhaka.

Chief Guest Mayor Md Atiqul Islam, DNCC, said, “Under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the health sector of our country is gradually improving. Nonetheless, if awareness among the people is not increased, it will be difficult to eradicate diseases like Hepatitis. In Bangladesh, around 1 crore people are suffering from Hepatitis. About 20,000 people are dying due to this disease and 9 out of 10 Hepatitis patients do not even know that they are infected. In this case, as the custodian of the city, I want to say Hepatitis cannot wait so now is the time raise awareness on the causes, precautions and remedies regarding the disease.”

Mayor Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Chattogram City Corporation, said, “It is clear that there is a lack of awareness among the people about Hepatitis. There are still many people in our country now who are deprived of the light of education. Therefore, more importance should be given to increase awareness among the people. Those of us who have important responsibilities, our job will be to take effective steps to eradicate Hepatitis by creating public awareness with the help of our positions. Otherwise, this discussion will remain just a discussion. I hope everyone in the country will work together to control this virus.”

“We are always trying to maintain the health of the city. We are committed to serving people from all walks of life and shall continue to raise awareness in battling such diseases. ”, said Brig Gen Md. Zobaidur Rahman, Chief Health Officer, DNCC.

Dr. Muhammad Lutful Latif Chowdhury, Sr. Consultant & Coordinator Gastroenterology-Evercare Hospital Dhaka, said, “Hepatitis is a disease that is like an invisible enemy. Since most of the infected people do not even know that they are infected with this disease, its severity is even greater. Therefore, all organizations have to take action from their respective position to create awareness among the masses and encourage them to get vaccinated. ”
Dr. S M Ali Haider, Consultant Gastroenterology, Evercare Hospital Chattogram said, “4% of people in Bangladesh are infected with Hepatitis. The ongoing Corona pandemic has not stopped the spread of Hepatitis. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the need to eradicate hepatitis during this pandemic. In addition to raising public awareness, proper testing should also be emphasized upon.”

Prof. Dr. Faruque Ahmed, Director, Sheikh Russel Gastroliver Institute & Hospital, Dhaka, said, “Hepatitis is present in all countries of the world. This virus is capable of taking horrible forms, but it is not difficult to cure. I think encouraging everyone in the country to get vaccinated, especially newborns, will help reduce the number of hepatitis infections in the future.”

Professor Dr. Ershad Uddin Ahmed, HOD Gastroenterology, Chittagong Medical College, Chattogram said, “About 250 million people worldwide are infected with Hepatitis. Proper testing and immunization should be emphasized. Hepatitis vaccines are affordable so now is the time to make people aware of it and guide them on what to do. ”


ঈদের ছুটিতেও সেবা দিবে এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল

আসন্ন ঈদ-উল-আযহার ছুটিতে এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম জনসাধারণকে কোভিড-১৯ সহ সর্বাত্মক সেবাদানে সপ্তাহের প্রতিদিনি ২৪ ঘণ্টা খোলা থাকবে। এছাড়াও এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রাম প্রয়োজনে বাড়িতে এবং কর্মক্ষেত্রে গিয়ে, সেখানে থাকা রোগীদের যথাযথ সেবাদান করবে। কোভিড-১৯ চিকিৎসার জন্য হাসপাতালটিতে পৃথক আইসোলেশন ইউনিট এবং ইন-হাউস টেস্টিং সুবিধা রয়েছে। এছাড়াও আছে সর্বক্ষণ সেবাদানে নিয়োজিত কোভিড আইসিইউ ও এইচডিইউ সুবিধা। এভারকেয়ার হসপিটাল চট্টগ্রামে আরও রয়েছে জরুরি সেবা সুবিধা। তাই রোগীরা যেকোনো সময়ে এসে তাদের পরীক্ষণের নমুনা দিয়ে যেতে পারবেন এবং নমুনা প্রাপ্তির ৬ ঘণ্টার মধ্যে ফলাফল জানতে পারবেন।

Evercare Hospital Chattogram Continues to Treat Complex and Challenging Cases in the Port City

Evercare Hospital Chattogram organized a virtual press meeting on Tuesday to share their success story of a recent challenging case of an expecting mother who was diagnosed as COVID- 19 positive just 4 days before delivery.

Family members of patient approached multiple hospitals in Chattogram but were refused because she was COVID positive with complications like gestational diabetes and bronchial asthma.

Finally, Mrs. Farjana Akter, aged 30 years was admitted in Evercare Hospital Chattogram on 1st July 2021. At the time of admission, she had severe respiratory distress & fever for last 10 days hence she was immediately put on 15-liter oxygen per minute.  Patient was shifted to the dedicated and segregated COVID ward on 12th floor in the hospital.  She was admitted in COVID ICU under the care of Dr. Farzana Haseen Mukti, Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynecology and COVID treatment was jointly managed by Dr. Razaul Karim (Internal Medicine), Dr. Md. Fazlee Kibria Chowdhury (Respiratory Medicine)

Under care of Neonatologist Dr. Dipika Dey, a baby girl was delivered on 1st July at 6:10 PM, weighing 2.70 KG. After delivery, baby cried immediately and no resuscitation needed, and RT-PCR done which was negative. Initially baby was on formula milk as mother was critically ill. Baby is clinically stable now and started breast feeding from yesterday. Mother is also doing well without any requirement of oxygen.

Evercare Hospital Chattogram has a separate Operation Theatre (OT), separate OT team and staff to manage COVID patients and a separate lift to transfer these patients. Since patient had scar pain, she needed emergency cesarean section which was performed by Dr. Farzana Haseen Mukti, Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Patient’s brother-in-law said, “As my sister-in-law was COVID positive, we contacted four hospitals but they refused. After coming to Evercare Hospital Chattogram, doctors, nurses and other supporting staff immediately started to provide her emergency care and performed the C-section. We are grateful to Evercare Hospital Chattogram for helping us in our hour of need.”

Evercare Chattogram’s triumph over critical procedures

The patient, 40-year-old Md. Taslimur Rahman, was experiencing severe chest pains and his condition kept getting worse despite taking medications. After observing the medical condition of the patient, Dr. Shaikh Md. Hasan Mamun decided to perform Coronary Angiogram after discussing with the patient’s family.

Evercare Hospital Chattogram successfully carried out a complex Angioplasty in the port city. Senior Consultant, Prof. Dr. Shaikh Md. Hasan Mamun carried out the procedure with the help of his team on the patient who was suffering from severe coronary problems, states a press release.

The patient, 40-year-old Md. Taslimur Rahman, was experiencing severe chest pains and his condition kept getting worse despite taking medications. After observing the medical condition of the patient, Dr. Shaikh Md. Hasan Mamun decided to perform Coronary Angiogram after discussing with the patient’s family.

An Angiogram was carried out which showed that two blood vessels in his heart were critically blocked from the roots. After the successful Angioplasty using three stents, the patient’s condition became stable again and he eventually regained his health within 2 days of the treatment.

Professor. Shaikh Md. Hasan Mamun, Senior Consultant-Interventional Cardiology and Coordinator, Department of Cardiology said, “Even though the patient’s condition was serious, we were able to heal him quickly through the special treatment provided by Evercare and our dedicated cardiac team.”

এভারকেয়ার হাসপাতালে রক্তদান কর্মসূচি

এভারকেয়ার হাসপাতাল চট্টগ্রাম, রোটারি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ডিস্ট্রিক্ট ৩২৮২, বাংলাদেশের সহযোগিতায় গতকাল বিশ্ব রক্তদাতা দিবস উদযাপনে রক্তদান কর্মসূচির আয়োজন করে। হাসপাতাল প্রাঙ্গণে দিনব্যাপী এই কর্মসূচিতে রক্তদাতাদের প্রশংসিত ও সম্মানিত করা হয়।

এভারকেয়ার হাসপাতাল মেডিকেল সার্ভিসেসের মহাব্যবস্থাপক ডা. মোহাম্মদ ফজল ই আকবর চৌধুরী বলেন, প্রতিবছর বিশ্বব্যাপী বিভিন্ন দেশে রক্ত পরিসরণের জন্য উপযোগী নিরাপদ রক্তের প্রয়োজনীয়তা সম্পর্কে জনসচেতনতা বৃদ্ধির লক্ষ্যে বিশ্ব রক্তদাতা দিবস পালিত হয়। এটি জনস্বাস্থ্যের উন্নয়নের এক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ দিক। এই দিনটিতে এভারকেয়ায়ের পক্ষ থেকে আমরা স্বেচ্ছাসেবী রক্তদাতাদের এই অবদানের জন্য আন্তরিক ধন্যবাদ জানাই

Successful brain tumour removal in Evercare Hospital Chattogram

Evercare Hospital Chattogram organized a workshop recently with  local media personnel on Thursday (27/05/2021) to discuss the successful neurosurgery for a brain tumor of a 42-year-old woman, Mrs. Nurunnahar. In the workshop, Dr. Md. Anisul Islam Khan and team, along with other involved personnel from Evercare Hospital Chattogram discussed the details of the surgery and other relevant experiences with media personnel.

The patient was suffering from headaches for the last 6 months which gradually kept increasing in severity. She had consulted several different physicians but to no avail. The situation kept getting worse as she slowly began to experience numbness and gradually lost voluntary control of her right arm and leg. A few weeks prior to the surgery, the patient could not even speak. Considering the dire situation, the patient’s family then reached out to Dr. Khan who successfully diagnosed a significantly large tumor in the left part of her brain.

After carefully assessing the situation, Dr. Khan decided to proceed to surgically remove the tumor. Since such surgeries are very complicated and require high levels of expertise and precision, this was an exceptional case of a successful operation, especially since the patient was at high risk.

Providing insight on the patient’s ailment, Dr. Md. Anisul Islam Khan, Senior Consultant & Coordinator of   Neurosurgery Department  at Evercare Hospital Chattogram, said, “There are generally some common symptoms like headaches, numbness, vomiting, convulsions and so on which indicate the possible presence of a brain tumor.” He added, “Since the patient had been suffering from the effects of the tumor and the accompanying complications for quite some time, it was the best-case scenario to conduct the high-risk surgery to remove it.”

Evercare Hospital Chattogram boasts a world class modular operation theater. It also provides facilities using advanced operating microscopes, endoscope, craniotome and drill machine as well as C-Arm machine. Besides the advanced operation theater, there is also an all-inclusive, skillfully staffed surgical ICU which is crucial for the post-operative period of neurosurgery.

Evercare Hospital Chattogram is the largest and first ever state of the art tertiary care multidisciplinary hospital in the port city. Since its inauguration, the hospital is redefining healthcare in Chattogram and achieved some remarkable milestones for the health industry in the city as well as the economy as a whole.

Nilesh Gupta, CEO of Evercare Hospital Chattogram; Dr. Prakash Kundu Narsimha, Director of Medical Services at Evercare Hospital Chattogram; Dr. Fazal-E-Akbar Chowdhury, General Manager of Medical Services at Evercare Hospital Chattogram and many others were present at the workshop session and experience exchange meeting organized today.

First awake brain surgery at Evercare Hospital Chattogram

brain tumor surgery

The first awake brain surgery at Evercare Hospital in Chattogram has been successfully conducted recently.

Dr Md Anisul Islam Khan, senior consultant and coordinator of Neurosurgery department at the hospital, has performed cranioplasty on a 69-year-old stroke patient in a team effort.

The patient, Zainab Begum, was admitted to Ctg’s Evercare Hospital after suffering a brain stroke,  CT scan of the brain revealed that the patient had an ischemic stroke on the right side of the brain.

The doctors first treated the patient with decompressive craniectomy, and then based on the follow-up, they decided to perform cranioplasty, reports our staff correspondent.

However, the patient could not be sedated because of her critical cardiac condition. So, the physicians decided to perform an awake brain surgery on her. The three-and-a-half-hour surgery that ensued was risky, but fortunately it was successful.

Fazle Akbar, general manager of Medical Services department at Ctg Evercare Hospital said, “Evercare Hospital has the capability to perform complicated surgeries thanks to the facilities of the advanced surgical ICU and the reliable services of the Anesthesia department.”