Transfusion Medicine

Blood Bank & Transfusion Medicine at Evercare Hospital Dhaka

Evercare Transfusion Medicine Department is a place for collecting, screening, typing, processing, and storing whole blood, packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma and platelet concentrate, gathered as a result of blood donation, preserved for patient use in this hospital and other hospitals on request. Evercare Transfusion Medicine Department, located in basement level of the hospital, is the first government registered hospital blood bank in Dhaka Metropolitan Area.

We are committed to keeping pace with the demands of providing 24-hour service by cutting-edge technology and the most secure blood transfusion policy, and we maintain quality in every stride. We provide blood and blood product by standard protocol in all aspects of blood screening, grouping, compatibility testing, component preparation, storage, and transportation. Temperature of preserved blood and blood component is strictly maintained in each step.

We also provide blood and blood component to other hospitals in case of emergency. In Evercare Transfusion Medicine Department, most blood for transfusion is collected from family members and friends as a replacement donation system. Directed and Volunteer donors also donate blood, especially at times of need of rare blood group.


  • Not to donate on an empty stomach
  • A gap of 20-30 minutes is desirable for a meal.
  • Good sleep on the previous night/day
  • Not to donate if you have fever or taking any antibiotics or aspirin or blood thinner
  • Drink water before donation
  • Not to take alcohol 24 hours’ prior donation
  • Not to smoke half an hour after blood donation
  • Avoid vigorous exercise/playing tennis for at least 2-3 hours after donation as this can cause bleeding from the site of donation.


For any emergency requirement of blood or information to donate blood, please contact Evercare Transfusion Medicine Department: 01713041277



Prior to blood donation at Evercare Transfusion Medicine Department, the donor gets a medical examination including medical history, hemoglobin estimation, weight check and blood group determination. The donated blood is routinely screened for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, by chemiluminescent immunoassay method & malaria, and syphilis by device method. The potential risk of acquiring HIV or hepatitis through transfusions has made it a common practice to screen the blood prior to transfusion.

We perform testing to determine the blood type of the donor and screen the blood for transmissible infections for patient’s safety, and finally cross match with the patient’s blood to identify compatible blood products for blood transfusions. All our materials used in blood donation are strictly sterile and disposable.

For a random donor collection, we usually collect the whole blood and prepare different components from that whole blood units like PRBC, Platelet Concentrate(RDP), Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), Cryoprecipitate, Platelet Rich Plasma etc.

Single Donor Apheresis Platelets (SDP) are prepared by connecting the donor to a machine and selectively collecting the platelets and returning the remaining blood components back into the donor. The total dose for an adult patient equivalent to 6 random donor platelets are collected. So less risk of getting transfusion transmissible infections and development of unwanted antibodies.


The collected Whole Blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate it into different components. The packed Red Blood Cells (RBC) are refrigerated with an anti-coagulant solution (CPDA-1) to extend shelf life to 35 days. The less dense blood plasma is made into fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate and platelets and is labeled accordingly based on the products. The plasma is frozen promptly within 6 hours of collection and labelled as Fresh Frozen Plasma; it is stored at –30°C or colder for one year.

The platelets are stored in an incubator at 20-24°C temperature with agitation, and have a shelf life of five days. Since they are stored at room temperature, they are at high risk for growing bacteria. So we are routinely doing quality checks which include blood count, pH and culture. We are preserving Whole Blood for up to 35 days, maintaining its usefulness in blood transfusions with an anti-coagulant (CPDA-1).


Thousands of patients need blood transfusions like patients suffering from hemorrhage due to casualties, surgical procedures, pregnancy; hemophilic patients; patients suffering from chronic anemia and malignancy; thalassemia patients; patients who have had organ transplantation, neonatal jaundice and others. Further, emergency occurs every second.

We need to be prepared to face any kind of adversities natural as well as man-made. Evercare Transfusion Medicine Department wishes that nobody needs blood by God’s grace, but for those who need blood, we prove to be a life saver. Donating blood is the noblest gift one can offer and we provide a connecting link between the donor and the receiver.


  1. Whole Blood.
  2. Packed Red Blood Cell (PRBC).
  3. Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP).
  4. Platelet Concentrate.
  5. Fresh Platelet Rich Plasma.
  6. Platelet Apheresis.
  7. Leukocytapheresis.
  8. Cryoprecipitate (15ml).
  9. Cryo poor Plasma (180ml).
  10. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma.



  • Tests/Investigations:
    • To schedule a test/investigation, please call the relevant OPD front desks.
    • Your lab investigation samples are to be deposited in the Sample Collection Room located in the hospital’s atrium, which is open on working days (Saturday-Thursday) from 7.00 am to 10:00 pm, and on Fridays and holidays from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm.
    • Your investigation reports can be collected from Report Delivery Room by showing the receipt of payment. The hospital shall not be responsible for reports not collected within 30 days after the tests were done. Report Delivery Room is also located in the hospital’s atrium, and is open on working days (Saturday-Thursday) from 8.00 am to 8.30 pm, and on Fridays and holidays from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
    • You will not be able to collect your investigation reports without your receipt of payment. If you have lost your receipt, you may collect a duplicate copy from our Billing Executives (Corporate Desk, Atrium – level 1).
    • You can request duplicate copy of your investigation reports from the Report Delivery Room, inclusive of BDT 100 additional charge.
  • Procedures & Surgeries:
    • If you are interested in undergoing a procedure or surgery, please see our relevant Consultant first.
    • To search for a Consultant, go to Find a Consultant page and for appointments, go to Make an Appointment
  • In-patient Reports
    • A Discharge Summary is provided to a patient upon his/her discharge from the hospital. A discharge summary is a summary of the events during hospitalization of the patient. It outlines the patient’s chief complaint, the diagnostic findings, the therapy administered and the patient’s response to it, and recommendations on discharge.
    • To request for detailed in-patient medical reports or to make an insurance claim, refer to our Medical Report
  • For queries on charges, contact our Billing Department (Corporate Desk, Atrium – level 1) or call/e-mail our Billing Executives:


Mr. Taslimur Rahman:
AGM – Financial Operation
Phone : +88-02-8431661-5; Ext-1353
(From 9 am to 5 pm –Except Holidays)