Dr. Biswajit Bhattacharjee, MBBS, M.Phil. (Radiotherapy)
Senior Consultant & Coordinator
Department: Radiation Oncology
Started modern radiation treatment techniques like 3D-CRT, IMRT & IGRT as pioneer in 2007. His expertise entails 2D, 3D-CRT, IMRT, IGRT, Arc TherapyNMAT/SRS, SRT, SBRT, Respiratory motion management (Respiratory Gating) during readiation treatment, HDR Brachytherapy, Electron Therapy and oriented with TBI, LDR Brachy-therapy (prdstatic seeds implant) Chemotherapy, targeted therapies, Immuno-therapy. He does MRI and PET based RT planning for radiation treatment.
More than 16 years of experience in Radiation & Clinical Oncology.
He is academically working as a Professor of Radiation Oncology (Radiotherapy) and has various publications in some renowned Journal.
Worked as a Clinical Fellow (Oncology) at Cancer Institute, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center (AIMS), Kerala, India. He also did clinical observership training in oncology at Guy's and St. Thomas Hospital, London, UK and afterwards at Princess Margaret Hospital with additional posting at Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and Hospital for Sick Children under UHN, University of Toronto, Canada.
More than 16 years of experience in Radiation & Clinical Oncology.
He is academically working as a Professor of Radiation Oncology (Radiotherapy) and has various publications in some renowned Journal.
Worked as a Clinical Fellow (Oncology) at Cancer Institute, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center (AIMS), Kerala, India. He also did clinical observership training in oncology at Guy's and St. Thomas Hospital, London, UK and afterwards at Princess Margaret Hospital with additional posting at Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and Hospital for Sick Children under UHN, University of Toronto, Canada.